FLOWER SUMMIT Elderflower Oolong
December 12, 2019

Photo and recipe by Adrienne Nascimento

• 3 fl. oz | Cold Steeped Tung Ting Oolong
• 2 fl. oz | Elderflower Syrup
• Optional: Sparkling water for a ‘champagne’ cocktail
• Chrysanthemum flower garnish

Cold Steep Tea Preparation
32 fl. oz

  1. Place 14 grams of loose-leaf tea into mason jar.
  2. Pour 32 ounces of filtered cold water into the Jar
  3. Seal jar and place in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Pour it through a fine mesh strainer to remove the loose leaf tea. However, if you
    placed your tea leaves in a tea infuser, or used tea bags, then simply remove and
  5. Store in Jar in fridge

Drink Preparation
(serves 1)

  1. Fill shaker with ice and add all ingredients reserving sparkling water if using
  2. Shake, shake, shake
  3. Strain over glass with large cube
  4. Alternatively, strain into flute and top with sparkling water
  5. Add chrysanthemum